How the Blue Zones Teach Us To Avoid Weight Gain During the Holidays: Part Four (The Final Chapter)
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You’ve made it to the end of the series. The fourth and final habit ensures you stay on track with your wellness goals, avoid weight gain, AND enjoy the holiday season.
Here’s a breakdown of each prior chapter. It’s beneficial to read them so that you get the most out of the series.
Part One: Eat More Plants
Simple and delicious ways to add more plant-based foods to your plate.
Part Two: Move Naturally
Creative and easy strategies to sneak in a quick workout.
Part Three: The 80% Rule
The power of mindful eating is to reduce calories and enjoy the food you’re eating.
In this final chapter, we’ve saved the best for last.
Why The Blue Zones?
The Blue Zones are where the healthiest people in the world live the longest.
In case you missed the series introduction, the Blue Zones comprise five areas around the world:
- Okinawa, Japan