How the Blue Zones Teach Us To Avoid Weight Gain During the Holidays: Part Two
Move Naturally
Welcome back! This is part two of a four-part series!
In Part One, we covered how to eat more plants.
We acknowledged that the holiday season, known for calorie-rich comfort food with loved ones, poses many challenges. How will we stay on track with our wellness goals and avoid weight gain?
By adding more plants to our plate. Some quick and delicious recipes showed you how. Effortless solutions help our plates stay balanced, and our bellies stay full.
We’ve tweaked our nutrition. Now it’s time to get moving.
Why The Blue Zones?
This is where the healthiest people in the world live the longest.
The Blue Zones comprise five areas around the world:
- Okinawa, Japan
- Sardinia, Italy
- Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Ikaria, Greece
- Loma Linda, California
In these regions, basic lifestyle choices produce the most significant number of people who live to be 100. They also have the lowest incidence of disease.