How the Blue Zones Teach Us To Avoid Weight Gain During the Holidays: A Four-Part Series
What can we learn from the world’s longest-living people?
Who can forget the insanity of the lockdown?
Everything seemed impossible. We waited in ridiculous lines while socially distancing. We shopped for items that were repeatedly not restocked on shelves. The toilet paper fiasco still gives me nightmares.
Two things were always on the shelf.
Salty chips and sugary drinks were cheap and overflowing — the food our bodies didn’t need, but our mouths wanted. Thank you, junk food manufacturers, for confirming what we’ve always known; processed food is highly addictive.
We’re walking around a year later, carrying the COVID twenty — those extra pounds we gained during the lockdown. Now we’re headed into the holidays, dealing with unnecessary extra weight.
Not exactly the best-case scenario.
Thanksgiving is the biggest food holiday of the year.
Calorie-rich comfort food with family and friends sounds perfect after the year we’ve been through. More pounds on top of the ones we’re trying to lose, however, is the last thing we need.