How ‘What We Leave Behind’ Honors a Powerful Legacy Through Heartfelt Nostalgia

A Spellbinding Documentary That Rekindles Prized Memories

Robin A Henderson
4 min readNov 11, 2022
A man wearing a cowboy hat and a plaid blue shirt.
What We Leave Behind | Array Releasing, Netflix

Movies possess the power to inspire, inform, and transcend.

We drive to our local theater, shell out over a month’s worth of streaming dollars, and tolerate unruly audiences to see extraordinary stories come to life on the big screen.

Hollywood furnishes us with necessary escapism, and we happily oblige.

Other films, however, have the opposite effect.

Sometimes we prefer a cinematic experience that awakens a cherished memory over a forgettable messy spectacle.

We must stream this rare gift in the comfort of our homes, away from the world’s chaos. It pulls at our heartstrings and pushes us closer to reality rather than demanding that we suspend disbelief.

This film lets us take a nostalgic trip down memory lane and cry ugly-face crocodile tears.

Hang on, this isn’t Meryl Streep Oscar bait.

It’s director Iliana Sosa’s footage chronicling the last few years her grandfather and beloved family patriarch, Julián Morena, walked the earth.



Robin A Henderson

I write about inclusive storytelling in Hollywood and diverse representation in wellness.