3 Ways Spring Is The Perfect Time to Restore An Abandoned Wellness Routine (Part 3 of 3)

Renew Your Skin Care Routine

Robin A Henderson
5 min readMay 23, 2022
A woman relaxing while she enjoys a facial treatment.
Cherry Deck | Unsplash

Welcome back! You’ve made the right decision to reconnect with a blissful wellness routine!

In case this is your first time, here’s what you’ve missed:

To close out the series, we dive into the last installment, How to Refresh Your Self-Care Practice, because our skin requires the same level of protection as the rest of our bodies.

For many of us, winter ravages our skin.

We contend with problematic pores and cracked surfaces when the temperatures plunge.

Months of cold, dry outside air paired with dehydrated indoor air leave our skin feeling drab.

The change in season poses a new challenge. How do we transition our rough winter skin into a flawless spring glow?



Robin A Henderson

I write about inclusive storytelling in Hollywood and diverse representation in wellness.